Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is about planning, consultation and moving forward with our earthly endeavors. We all have aspects of our life where we should call in an expert. Face facts, you can’t do everything all by yourself.
The Three of Pentacles was the perfect card to represent my day. Spoke with my handsome landscaper who’ll be guiding me through my first, hopefully fruitful, summer of serious gardening. I already see the heirloom tomatoes ripening on my sill! Found a driving school – if I can motor the mean streets of NYC I can drive anywhere. I searched for a periodonist. The Three of Pentacles actually works in the context of a dentist. The man on the bench holding a drill, the pentacles – your teeth. Eughhhh!
What areas of your life do you need to seek expert advice? Something fun like a makeover or a travel agent to plan a trip? Anything you’ve been putting off like my aforementioned dentist or trip to another medical expert?
If the Three of Pentacles appears and you don’t possess the means to hire an actual expert, hit the bookstore. Treat yourself to a glossy hardcover Feng Shui book. Can’t get to your favorite bookstore? Hit the Internet, only about ten million experts out there dishing out free advice.
The Three of Pentacles occurs early in the run of the Pentacles suit. You are still in the planning stages. By the time you reach the Ten of Pentacles, your project will have flowered, blossomed and be glowing with radiance. You’ll look back, smiling, thrilled you asked for a little help.