The Sun

The Sun tarot card is exuberant, warm, nurturing. I also view the Sun as a health card. Healthy body, healthy pregnancy. The Sun Tarot card reminds me of the height of summer when the world is bursting with abundance and beauty. The Sun is the perfect card to draw on the Memorial Day holiday and the weather matched perfectly!
Lower Fifth Avenue was a vision of Sex in the City. New Yorkers, who had earlier in the week bundled up in reaction to a strange batch of fall-like weather, sauntered the streets in their summer duds. A New Yorker’s best style asset isn’t their actual clothing. It is their bodies. Everyone has ridiculously gorgeous bodies in this city! They were showing them off just like the child on the Sun card.
I was having Tapas and drinks with some girlfriends. We squealed as Robert Redford walked into the restaurant. Talk about a golden god who – even at 70 – could have his face plastered all over the Sun tarot card! Redford is responsible for putting the Sundance Film Festival on the map– coincidence in lieu of my Sun card? I think not!
Sometimes, the greatest gift a Tarot card can offer is reassurance when you really need it. I had a rough week last week. When I drew the Sun card, it was a reminder that I was going to pull through just fine.
There is a trick to remembering that the qualities of each Tarot card are always operating within you. The soft breeze of a warm summers day, the regenerative quality of sunlight is always available if you know how to find it.
I’ve got a tan on my face, my garden is in, the weekend was chock full of neighbors, friends, family and food. Don’t think I could ask for any more from the Sun card. And you know what? For now, I won’t.