by Sasha Graham author of "The Magic of Tarot."
Solitary spell casting is sensual, intimate and best of all, wields wild, unexpected results!
Steps for tarot spellcraft:
1. Imagine and write your magical goal.
2. Choose location and time.
3. Gather needed items and appropriate tarot card(s).
4. Preparation & cleansing.
5. Open the door to sacred space.
6. Visualization & emotional connection.
7. Close the door with gratitude.
8. Release expectation.
You've cast your spell.
Now allow the universe to work its magic.
1. Select and write your magical goal.
A spell begins spinning the moment you decide to cast it. Write out your desired intention in advance of the spell. It doesn’t have to be poetic or grammatically correct. No one needs read it. The point of articulating your desire is to get detailed. Write about how you want to feel, what your life will look like, how you envision your desire your mind’s eye. Once you’ve described everything in detail, craft your intention into a single sentence. Example: "I am in alignment with the best possible romantic relationship!"
2. Choose location and time.
Cast spells when you are least likely to be undisturbed. Spells can be aligned with lunar energy: waxing moon (attraction spells), full (super power spells) and the waning moon (releasing spells). Cast a spell at the stroke of midnight, sunrise or twilight.
3. Select appropriate tarot card(s).
Once you have articulated your magical goal, choose one or more tarot cards illustrating your desired goal. Use the cards symbolically inside your spell by laying them out and visualizing your goal.
4. Prepare.
It is enjoyable (but not essential) to take a ritual salt bath, shower, or outdoor dip to cleanse your energy and prepare for your spell. The water will drain any negativity and/or blocks and allow yourself to open to possibility. Imagine the waters cleaning away unneeded energies and attitudes.
It is essential to ground yourself with breath work and/or meditation before beginning your spell.
5. Open the door to sacred space.
Call to the elements, directions, and tarot suits to aid you in your spell. Move clockwise to open sacred space for your spell.
6. Visualization & emotional connection.
It is time for the action of the spell. Read every word of your written goal out loud. Lay out the chosen tarot cards. Imagine your desire unfolding. Perform meditations and other activities as you like. Direct energy towards your chosen goal.
7. Close the door.
Close your sacred space off as carefully as you opened it. Move counter clockwise to close the space. Offer deep gratitude to helpful energies.
8. Release expectation.
Let go of all expectations. Forget about end results. Let the universe play its part. Magic manifests unexpectedly. Trust in your magic and let go.
Be patient.
The universe always gives you what you need!
Beguiled by witchy tarot enchantments?
You should be :)
Pick up a copy of 365 Tarot Spells and find a tarot spell for every day of the year.
Remember to always be witching!